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Seasonal Stains and Dirt: Optimising Laundry Strategies for Autumn

October 7, 2024 / Brewer News / Industrial

As the air cools and leaves begin to fall, autumn presents its own unique set of challenges for commercial laundry facilities. Whether your operation supports hotels, restaurants, schools, or healthcare institutions, the changing season introduces a variety of stains and grime that demand special attention. From wet mud and fallen leaves to hearty, spiced dishes and drinks, autumn’s elements can leave stubborn marks on linens and uniforms, requiring thoughtful and effective laundry solutions.

Common Stains During Autumn

Autumn stains are particularly tough due to the combination of moisture, organic debris, and the nature of seasonal activities. Here are the most prevalent stains facilities will face:

  • Mud and Wet Leaves: Rain-soaked grounds lead to inevitable mud and leaf stains. From uniforms to outerwear, muddy footprints and leaf debris are some of the most frequent stains during this season.
  • Pumpkin and Squash: As fall menus feature pumpkin spice lattes and seasonal dishes with squash, these nutrient-dense fruits leave behind bright pigments that can cling to fabric if not treated promptly.
  • Spiced Beverages: Hot seasonal drinks like coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and mulled cider often contain ingredients like cinnamon and nutmeg. These beverages can leave behind dark, sticky stains that can be difficult to remove.
  • Red Wine and Cranberry Sauce: Common on autumn restaurant menus, red wine and cranberry sauces are known for their challenging stains, especially on table linens and service uniforms.
  • Grease and Oil: The rise of hearty, comforting meals during autumn also means an increase in grease and oil stains, especially in restaurant linens and chef uniforms.
  • Damp and Mould: With wet weather and increased moisture, fabrics left in damp conditions for extended periods are prone to developing musty odours or mould stains, particularly in environments like gyms, spas, or care homes.

Pre-Treatment: The Foundation for Effective Stain Removal

Given the high volume of laundry that commercial facilities handle, it’s easy for stains to go untreated or to be improperly managed. However, tackling tough autumn stains starts with a good pre-treatment routine.

  • Mud and Leaves: Allow mud stains to dry fully before washing, then brush off any loose dirt. Wet leaves can leave behind tannin-like stains that should be pre-treated with an enzyme-based cleaner to break down the organic material.
  • Pumpkin and Squash: Address pumpkin or squash stains as soon as possible with a gentle dish soap or an enzyme-based pre-treatment to break down both the oils and pigments. Avoid using hot water initially, as it can set the stain.
  • Spiced Drinks, Wine, and Cranberry Sauce: Rinse affected fabrics with cold water as soon as possible. These stains benefit from oxygen-based or tannin-specific stain removers. Enzyme cleaners can also be effective, especially when these beverages contain milk or sugar.
  • Oils and Grease: Grease stains need immediate attention. Pre-treat with a heavy-duty degreasing solution. For tougher stains, consider using industrial pre-soak products that are designed to target oil buildup in commercial settings.

Optimising Wash Cycles for Fall Stains

The efficiency of stain removal during the washing process depends on a number of variables: water temperature, detergent type, and cycle duration. Autumn’s specific stains often require adjustments to standard wash procedures.

  • Temperature: While hot water is often the go-to for breaking down oily stains, colder temperatures are better for tackling mud, fruit stains, and spiced beverages. A warm wash (30°C–40°C) strikes a balance for mixed loads. Always verify fabric care labels and avoid excessive heat, which can set certain stains.
  • Detergents: Use professional-grade detergents designed to address both organic stains and grease. Enzyme-based products excel at breaking down proteins in food and drink stains, while oxygen-boosted detergents can help lift stubborn dyes and pigments.
  • Cycle Length and Agitation: Dirt from mud and leaves can embed itself into fabrics, so opting for longer wash cycles with strong agitation is key. For more delicate items, consider pre-soaking or using extended pre-wash cycles to loosen debris without compromising fabric integrity.

Harnessing Advanced Laundry Technology

Commercial laundry facilities can maximise cleaning efficiency during autumn by investing in advanced equipment that helps with consistent stain removal and optimises energy use.

  • Ozone Laundry Systems: Ozone systems use ozone gas to break down organic stains and disinfect fabrics at lower temperatures. This technology helps reduce energy consumption and is particularly effective at tackling the bacteria and odours associated with mould and mildew. Ozone systems are a great fit for environments such as care homes, hotels, and hospitals during autumn when dampness and odour are more prevalent.
  • Programmable Machines: Commercial laundry machines with customisable cycles, such as the Schulthess Proline W-Series, allow you to tailor wash settings for different types of stains. These programmable systems enable facilities to adjust wash time, water temperature, and detergent concentration to suit the demands of autumn laundry loads.

Efficient Drying for Autumn Fabrics

The drying process is just as important as washing when it comes to keeping fabrics clean and odour-free. Autumn’s damp weather can lead to longer drying times and increase the risk of musty odours or mildew if drying isn’t done properly.

  • Moisture-Sensing Dryers: Commercial dryers with built-in moisture sensors, such as the Electrolux Line 6000, automatically adjust drying times based on the moisture content of the load, preventing both over-drying and under-drying, which can lead to mildew or damaged fabrics.
  • Airflow and Humidity Control: If line drying is preferred for delicate items, it’s important to manage airflow and humidity levels to prevent fabrics from becoming damp or developing mildew. Facilities should consider using dehumidifiers in drying areas during autumn to maintain ideal conditions.

Sustainability in Autumn Laundry Operations

As the demand for eco-friendly practices grows, commercial laundry facilities should focus on implementing sustainable strategies throughout the autumn season.

  • Eco-Friendly Detergents: Opting for biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning agents can reduce the environmental impact of your laundry operations. Many eco-friendly detergents are gentler on fabrics, which is especially important for items that require frequent washing, like linens in care homes or hospitality venues.
  • Energy-Efficient Machines: Upgrading to energy-efficient washers and dryers will help cut energy consumption and lower operating costs. Machines designed to use less water and power per load are a critical part of sustainable laundry operations, especially during peak demand seasons like autumn.

Conclusion: Preparing Your Laundry Facility for Autumn’s Challenges

Autumn brings unique stain challenges—from muddy leaves to spiced drinks and hearty dishes. By adjusting your laundry operations to meet these demands, you can ensure that your commercial facility runs smoothly and maintains high cleanliness standards.