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Coin vs. Cashless: Choosing the Ideal Laundry Payment System for Housing Communities

September 9, 2024 / Brewer News / Social Housing News

When it comes to equipping laundry facilities in multi-housing environments such as sheltered housing, assisted living centres, and housing associations, selecting the right payment system is essential. The ongoing debate between coin-operated and cashless laundry machines highlights the unique advantages each option offers. However, a blended approach—offering both coin and cashless systems—might provide the most comprehensive solution to meet the diverse needs of residents.

Advantages of Coin-Operated Laundry Machines

  • 1. User-Friendly and Intuitive
    Coin-operated machines have been a staple for over half a century, making them a well-known option for many users. Their straightforward mechanism—just insert coins and start the machine—requires no technical know-how. This simplicity can be especially beneficial for older residents or those less comfortable with digital transactions.
  • 2. No Dependence on Internet
    Unlike their cashless counterparts, coin-operated machines function without requiring an internet connection. This feature is advantageous in locations with unstable internet service or where setting up Wi-Fi infrastructure is impractical.
  • 3. Direct Payment
    Residents pay for their laundry at the time of use with coin-operated machines. This can be easier for individuals who prefer not to use digital payment methods or those without access to bank accounts. It also offers a straightforward way for property managers to handle revenue collection.
  • 4. Low Technical Maintenance
    Coin-operated machines generally require less technical upkeep. They do not need software updates or digital management, simplifying maintenance to tasks like emptying coin collections and ensuring operational efficiency.

Benefits of Cashless Laundry Systems

  • 1. Convenience and Adaptability
    Cashless systems, including card payments, mobile applications, or online accounts, provide significant convenience. Residents can use various digital payment methods—credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, or preloaded cards—eliminating the need to carry or manage cash. This adaptability is particularly attractive to younger, tech-savvy users.
  • 2. Improved Security
    Cashless systems mitigate the risk of theft, both from the machines and from residents carrying cash. By removing physical money from the laundry room, these systems enhance safety and reduce potential security issues.
  • 3. Advanced Data and Reporting
    Many cashless systems come equipped with data tracking and reporting capabilities. This allows property managers to monitor machine usage, track financial performance, and address maintenance needs proactively. Such insights are valuable for optimising the operation of laundry facilities.
  • 4. Special Offers and Incentives
    Digital payment systems often support promotions, loyalty programs, and discounts. These features can encourage more frequent use of laundry facilities and improve resident satisfaction. For instance, property managers can offer discounts during off-peak times or rewards for regular use.

The Case for a Hybrid Approach

Considering the benefits of both coin-operated and cashless systems, a hybrid approach may offer the most effective solution for housing communities. Here’s why:

  • 1. Catering to Various Resident Preferences
    Providing both coin and cashless options ensures that all residents have access to a payment method that suits their preferences. This approach accommodates diverse needs, from those who favour traditional coin payments to those who prefer digital transactions.
  • 2. Enhancing Resident Satisfaction
    Offering flexibility in payment options can lead to higher satisfaction among residents. This inclusive approach demonstrates a commitment to meeting the community’s needs, potentially improving retention rates and generating positive feedback.
  • 3. Boosting Revenue Potential
    Multiple payment methods can lead to increased use of laundry facilities. Residents who might avoid the laundry room due to a lack of coins or a preference for cashless options will have fewer barriers to usage, potentially leading to higher revenue and more efficient facility operations.
  • 4. Preparing for Future Trends
    As digital payments become increasingly common, having a cashless option ensures that your laundry facilities remain relevant and accessible to future residents. At the same time, maintaining coin-operated machines provides a familiar option for those who may be slower to adopt new technology.


In the context of laundry facilities within housing communities, the choice between coin-operated and cashless payment systems does not need to be exclusive. Both options offer distinct advantages that cater to different resident needs. By implementing a combination of coin-operated and cashless machines, you can create a flexible, inclusive, and efficient laundry experience that maximises both resident satisfaction and operational effectiveness.